Stephanie Ohnmacht

How to Sew Corners

Stephanie Ohnmacht
Duration:   4  mins


Stephanie Ohnmacht shows you the best way to sew corners when sewing your fabrics. With a little help from these step-by-step instructions, you’ll learn how to trim, turn, and eliminate bulk to create a strong, structured corner!

Once you’ve mastered this technique, learn how to sew box corners! This is another useful skill for sewing handbags, pillows, and more!

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2 Responses to “How to Sew Corners”

  1. Claudette

    Truly not a time saving or helpful technique. Even she struggled to not have the pin poke through before turning. If the “tube” was thinner or longer, it would have been impossible. Who filters these videos?

  2. Sue Phillips

    That's a really useful tip to use a thread to 'pull' the point out - but I've found that a fat plastic knitting needle is good for pushing the fabric to the stitches of the of the seam when doing pockets etc.

When making a garment with cornered collars or with ties that have pointy ends, it's always difficult to get that nice crisp corner. I have a few tricks to help get that corner done easily without breaking the fabric and keeping a nice structure to the piece. So here we have a tie with a center point where we've stitched both sides. And the first thing always to do when you get to a close to a corner is to always trim out that extra fabric. That fabric's gonna add a lot of bulk, and it's not gonna lay flat.

So we're gonna go right in there, and we're gonna trim that close, and we're gonna trim the other side corners close as well. So you can kinda trim that out like that. We may even trim it out a little more over here, and now we've taken out a lot of that bulk, and I'm actually gonna trim this corner a little bit more here. Now, the next thing, that's the fun trick to this getting this point nice and pointy when we turn it out, it's to take a piece of thread. It doesn't really matter what color thread it is, and we're going to go ahead and we're gonna stick a needle through its very tip, and we're gonna pull that thread through.

And then we're gonna take the needle and we're gonna send it right in the middle between the two fabrics. This is probably the hardest part is just getting it in there with it without catching the other fabric. So you're just kinda slipping it in to the center of the tube. And the best way, you just kinda have to create a little bubble with the fabric, and then you can slip it in there. Now we have a needle inside both sides.

Next thing we're gonna do is go ahead and turn this. You can turn either this way or you can also just take a pencil or something like a hanger and you just begin to push. Oh, I gotta get my needle away to get this thing started. Just kinda open the fabric up again right here. Get your pencil in there.

Slowly push through. It's pushing that point right on through. Pull the pencil out. So now we have this coming out, and we still have our needle and thread. I just wanna kind of get our shape back.

You have to use our fingers here to get their shape back. And then we just yank with our string right there at the point, and look, we get a nice sharp point. You can use your fingernail to kinda take some of that bulk out and then you just trim it out. And then you can quick iron the remainder of the other sides. So iron right over here, and right here as well.

Sometimes just moving that around and you have a nice point on your tie and or shirt collar. There we go. Have fun with that trick.

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