Tara Rex

Make Patchwork Sewing Easier and Safer

Tara Rex
Duration:   1  mins


One of the great things about patchwork sewing is that you get to make up the patterns and fabric placement as you go. However, this means that you may not be pinning your fabric beforehand, but rather adding small pieces of fabric under your presser foot as you go. It can become time consuming to have to stop and raise the presser foot each time you want to add a new piece, and can also be dangerous if you are trying to use your finger to push the fabric under the foot without raising it. In this video, Tara Rex shows you a great fabric-feeder stylette tool that can be used to safely speed up any patchwork project. And the best part – it’s customizable!

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2 Responses to “Make Patchwork Sewing Easier and Safer”


    I use a pointed chop stick.

  2. Marge MacGowan

    I am a beginner.

Hi, I wanted to share with you this little sewing tool that I like to use when I'm doing some patchwork sewing, it's called a stylette, and it's got a little point here so that when you're feeding the fabric through and it folds up from your presser foot, you can just feed it on through, and you don't have to use your fingers or anything like that. It's a little bit more safe, if you will. So I'm going to start this here, and so I've got that done, and see, when you're going through, you can just fold this on down like that and use your stylette just to continue sewing. And it is so, so easy. It's such a great tool.

You can get it at any fabric store, craft store, and then you can also decorate it yourself. My girlfriend actually made this for me. So there you have it, a stylette.

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